A Manifesto

We are not really sure what we want this to be as of yet, so I do not want to lay down any hard and fast rules as to the direction which this might be heading. Though I can outline some basic points as to what possess's our interests and equally important what I don't want this to be. It is rather hard, I suppose, to write a manifesto for a blog to which you lack any real convictions as to what it ought to contain but I think I shall be able to lay out a basic trajectory in which it might point. 
The title, as may be noted, is Word and Object. I think what I mean by this is that the blog is interested in aesthetics and purports to use words to discuss aesthetics, ergo the blog is a discourse on aesthetics. Abstractly, this conjures metaphysical questions about aesthetics and more importantly how we construct, craft and communicate ideas of aesthetics; why is it that there is a seemingly objective standards by which we might measure that success of a design in being pleasing? Whence do these standards come? In this sense, the title is certainly philosophical grounded, as the blog shares a name with Willard Quine's formative book on metaphysics.
More practically this is a blog about stuff, well, nice looking stuff. Though I am weary of the fact that everybody's blog is about stuff, stuff which they most probably think to be nice. I don't want this to be a dumping ground for every link I find to be vaguely interesting, nor do I want it to be embodiment of some artsy blog cliche,  sepia-tone pictures and inspiration quotes; I assure you I will no attempts to drive you to great action nor do I believe myself nor Sam to possess any true meaning as to the nature of aesthetics. Rather, I think the point, as aforementioned, is more of discourse. Oh, I should mention that this isn't just my blog, but Sam's as well. Sam is probably the closest thing I have to a duplication of myself, so naturally I like him quite a lot. 
There a few specific things which I hope will fall under our purview. I would like Word and Object to trace, Sam and I's pursuit of affordable fashion, Whether that be thrift store finds or deals we find online. I would also like to perhaps explore some of differences between Sam and I's taste. Broadly, I would like to try to find some purchase on the ideas which underly good design; the qualities in design which ignite feelings of both beauty and utility. It is that dichotomy between beauty and utility which interest me the most.